
Effective error handling is crucial for building a reliable and resilient Tulu Switch integration. This guide will walk you through understanding and handling errors that may occur during API interactions.

HTTP Status Codes

100InformationalContinueThe server has received the request headers and the client should proceed to send the request body.
101InformationalSwitching ProtocolsThe requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server has agreed to do so.
102InformationalProcessingThis code indicates that the server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet.
200SuccessOKThe request has succeeded.
201SuccessCreatedThe request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created.
202SuccessAcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
203SuccessNon-Authoritative InformationThe server successfully processed the request, but is returning information that may be from another source.
204SuccessNo ContentThe server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.
205SuccessReset ContentThe server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. The client should reset the document view.
206SuccessPartial ContentThe server is delivering only part of the resource due to a range header sent by the client.
207SuccessMulti-StatusThe message body that follows is an XML message and can contain a number of separate response codes, depending on how many sub-requests were made.
208SuccessAlready ReportedThe members of a DAV binding have already been enumerated in a previous reply to this request, and are not being included again.
226SuccessIM UsedThe server has fulfilled a GET request for the resource, and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance-manipulations applied to the current instance.
300RedirectionMultiple ChoicesThe request has more than one possible response. The user-agent or user should choose one of them.
301RedirectionMoved PermanentlyThe URL of the requested resource has been changed permanently. The new URL is given in the response.
302RedirectionFoundThe server is responding to the request with a temporary redirect to the URL given in the location header.
303RedirectionSee OtherThe server is responding to the request with a redirect to a different URL, which should be retrieved using a GET method.
304RedirectionNot ModifiedThe resource has not been modified since the last request, so no content is returned.
305RedirectionUse ProxyThe requested resource is only available through a proxy, whose address is provided in the response.
307RedirectionTemporary RedirectThe server is responding to the request with a temporary redirect to the URL given in the location header, using the same method as the original request.
308RedirectionPermanent RedirectThe server is responding to the request with a redirect to a different URL, which should be retrieved using the same method as the original request.
400Client ErrorBad RequestThe server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, size too large, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
401Client ErrorUnauthorizedThe request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.
402Client ErrorPayment RequiredReserved for future use. The original intention was that this code might be used as part of some form of digital cash or micropayment scheme, as proposed, for example, by GNU Taler, but that has not yet happened, and this code is not usually used.
403Client ErrorForbiddenThe server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
404Client ErrorNot FoundThe requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future.
405Client ErrorMethod Not AllowedA request method is not supported for the requested resource.
406Client ErrorNot AcceptableThe requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
407Client ErrorProxy Authentication RequiredThe client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
408Client ErrorRequest TimeoutThe server timed out waiting for the request.
409Client ErrorConflictThe request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
410Client ErrorGoneThe requested resource is no longer available and will not be available again.
411Client ErrorLength RequiredThe request did not specify the length of its content, which is required by the requested resource.
412Client ErrorPrecondition FailedThe server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request.
413Client ErrorPayload Too LargeThe request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
414Client ErrorURI Too LongThe URI provided was too long for the server to process.
415Client ErrorUnsupported Media TypeThe server does not support the media type transmitted in the request.
416Client ErrorRange Not SatisfiableThe client has asked for a portion of the file, but the server cannot supply that portion.
417Client ErrorExpectation FailedThe server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
418Client ErrorI'm a TeapotThe server refuses the attempt to brew coffee with a teapot.
421Client ErrorMisdirected RequestThe request was directed at a server that is not able to produce a response.
422Client ErrorUnprocessable EntityThe request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
423Client ErrorLockedThe resource that is being accessed is locked.
424Client ErrorFailed DependencyThe request failed because it depended on another request and that request failed.
425Client ErrorToo EarlyThe server is unwilling to risk processing a request that might be replayed.
426Client ErrorUpgrade RequiredThe server refuses to perform the request using the current protocol but might be willing to do so after the client upgrades to a different protocol.
428Client ErrorPrecondition RequiredThe origin server requires the request to be conditional.
429Client ErrorToo Many RequestsThe user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
431Client ErrorRequest Header Fields Too LargeThe server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large.
451Client ErrorUnavailable For Legal ReasonsThe server is denying access to the resource as a consequence of a legal demand.
500Server ErrorInternal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
501Server ErrorNot ImplementedThe server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
502Server ErrorBad GatewayThe server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
503Server ErrorService UnavailableThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance of the server.
504Server ErrorGateway TimeoutThe server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI or some other auxiliary server it needed to access in order to complete the request.
505Server ErrorHTTP Version Not SupportedThe server does not support, or refuses to support, the major version of HTTP that was used in the request message.
506Server ErrorVariant Also NegotiatesTransparent content negotiation for the request results in a circular reference.
507Server ErrorInsufficient StorageThe server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.
508Server ErrorLoop DetectedThe server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.
510Server ErrorNot ExtendedFurther extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.
511Server ErrorNetwork Authentication RequiredThe client needs to authenticate to gain network access.

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